Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Blood, Booze'n Bones - Ed McCurdy



Blood, Booze'n Bones
Sung by Ed McCurdy
Banjo Accompaniment by Erik Darling
Production Supervisor: Jax Holzman
Tape Engineer: Leonard Ripley
Elektra EKL-108
Song Lyric Booklet and Try-Fold Elektra Catalog included

From the back cover: I was born in Willow Hill, Pennsylvania, and, at time of writing, I am thirty-seven years old, married, with three children.

My professional life started in 1937 as a Gospel Singer at WKY, Oklahoma City. Since then, I have worked as a baritone in theaters and clubs (including a short run in burlesque) and as a radio announcer.

In 1946, I started actively singing folk songs over the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's radio system. In 1952, I began writing and performing for children in radio and television in Canada. Since late 1954, I have been living in New York City, working on television, and appearing frequently in folk song doings around town.

I have led a rather varied and active life, and for various reasons consider myself well qualified to sing about Blood, Booze 'n Bones – May, 1956

From June 9, 1956: The title and art work on the cover have considerable shock value – of the type that will surely make the customers take a second look. The content of the album bears out the initial promise. Here are tunes dealing with murder, drinking, gambling, infidelity, etc. The performances are outstanding. Ed McCurdy, accompanied by Erik Darling's banjo, has the authentic folk touch, and he does not water this down by the spurious dramatic quality essayed by some folk artists. Unusual material, well done. A pamphlet of lyrics is included.

Darlin' Cory
The Dublin Murder Ballad
Four Nights Drunk
Cowboy's Lament
Kentucky Moonshiner
No More Booze
Farewell To Grog
Portland County Jail
Banks Of The Ohio
John Hardy
The Pig And The Inebriate
Yo Ho Ho (The Derelict)
The Drunkard's Doom

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