Wednesday, October 6, 2021

One Night In Monte Carlo - Guy Lupar


There's Danger In Your Eyes

One Night In Monte Carlo
Guy Lupar (Luypaerts) and His Orchestra
RCA Victor LPM-1304

From the back cover: With its twenty thousand inhabitants, Monaco plays host to about one-and-one half million visitors a year, which based on comparative populations, is somewhat comparable to the United States entertaining five times as many people as there are on earth. Those were the latest statistics available, but Monaco's tourist business has probably gone way up since The Royal Wedding of 1956.

Guy Luypaerts, who recorded these sided in Europe, is one of the most promising composers, arrangers and conductors on the Continent. He was born in Paris some forty years ago of Belgian parents. His father played in a Brussels brass band and today is Guy's copyist on all scores. Raised in a milieu of musicians, painters and writers, Guy showed early talent as a pianist and won a fine reputation for musicianship in Paris night clubs before moving on to become one of the most popular guest conductors of radio stations in Paris, Luxembourg, Brussle, Hamburg and Stockholm.

There's Danger In Your Eyes
The Blue Riviera
It All Began With You
If You Love Me
My Lost Melody
The Gallant Tango
Two Loves Have I
Monte Carlo Melody
I Kiss Your Hand Madame

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