Saturday, October 9, 2021

Manhattan Bandstand - Richard Maltby


The Rockin' Ghost

Manhattan Bandstand
Richard Maltby and His Orchestra
Arranged and Conducted by Richard Maltby
Produced and Directed by Herman Diaz, Jr.
Photo by Wendy Hilty
Recording Engineer: Fred Elsasser
Recorded at Webster Hall in New York on August 28 and September 10, 1956
VIK LX-1068
A Product of Radio Corporation Of America

From the back cover: A glance at his background shows that the band business is no novelty to Richard Maltby. Born June 26, 1914 in Chicago, the youngest of five sons, he played cornet in the school band, studied music at Northwestern University and soon was on tour with the bands of Little Jack Little, Roger Pryor, Bob Strong and whoever else needed a good trumpet player and arranger in the middle and late 1930s.

As it must to all traveling musicians, the time came when Maltby had to decide in favor of home-cooked meals. As staff arranger for WBBM in Chicago he wrote for everything from symphonies to choral groups. On the outside, he composed Six Flats Unfurnished, which became a best-selling Benny Goodman record. Discovered by Paul Whiteman, he was placed with a network as conductor-arranger and moved to New York in 1945. He backed singers on countless record dates, wrote and conducted for radio and TV shows. Finally, after 15 years behind the scenes, he made the big move: "On May 30, 1955," he recalls, "I played my first in-person date as a dance band leader."

Success has  been his constant companion since that night. At such band-blase spots as Manhattan's Hotel Statler the Maltby men have impressed thousands of listeners and dancers. On records, as this set amply demonstrates, the band shows Dick's personal way with both standard tunes and originals. – Leonard Feather

Manhatten Bandstand
Just You, Just Me
I See Your Face Before Me
The Rockin' Ghost
Ballad For Two Altos
Long Island Fling
Manhatten Serenade
Tara's Theme
Blue Moon
Forlorn Horn Blues
Three Blind Cats
Lover Come Back to Me

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