Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Gather 'Round - The Tarriers


One Note Samba

Gather 'Round
The Tarriers
Decca Records DL 4538

From the back cover: Part of the explanation, of course, lies in the truly impressive musicianship they encompass – individually and as a group.

There's Clarence ("Coop") Cooper – he of the haunting voice who once was featured soloist with the famed Hampton Choir, and has subsequently graced so many radio and TV shows. There's young Eric Weissberg – Juilliard School alumnus and banjo-player par excellence. There's Marshall Brickman – triple-threat man with the bass, guitar, and fiddle.

To this array of talents The Tarriers have added a priceless ingredient that is uniquely theirs; an interpretive "feeling" for folk music that cloaks a song in infectious good humor or a sensitive emotional delivery.

From Billboard - May 30, 1964: These are not the Tarriers of old,  but the new and still good, and this is a well-balanced program of tracks, nearly like a night club performance, combining folk, novelty and ever a guitar duet on two sambas.

San Francisco Bay Blues
   (Canto Delle Mondine) (My Little Pony) from film "Bitter Rice"
Crawdad Song
My Ramblin' Rose
   Solo by Clarence Cooper
   Mandolin and Banjo Duet by Eric Weissberg and Marshall Brickman
Pick A Bale Of Cotton
   Arranged and Adapted by Clarence Cooper, Erik Darling & Bob Carey
My Name Is Morgan But It Ain't J. P.
Little Boxes
   Solo by Marshall Brickman
Manha De Carnaval - One Note Samba
  Bossa Nova - Guitar Duet by Eric Weissberg & Marshall Brickman
Long Time Man
Come In This House

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