Monday, September 27, 2021

Serenade For Seven Instruments & Bass Voice, Op. 24 - Arnold Schoenberg


Sonett Nr. 217

Arnold Schoenberg
Serenade For Seven Instruments & Bass Voice, Op. 24
The Light Fantastic Players
Daniel Shulman, Conductor
Kenneth Bell, Bass
Coordinator: Teresa Sterne
Design & Art Direction: Paula Bisacca
Engineering & Musical Supervision: Marc J. Aubort, Joana Nickrenz (Elite Recording, Inc.)
Recorded March 1976, New York
Mastering: Robert C. Ludwig (Masterdisk Corp.)
Self Portrait of Schoenberg (1912) courtesy of Lawerence Schoenberg
Nonsuch (Stereo) H-71331

Laura Flax- Clarinet
Virgil Blackwell - Bass Clarinet
Daniel Reed - Mandolin
Scott Kuney - Guitar
Rolf Schulte - Violin
Curtis Macomber - Viola
Mark Shurman - Cello
Kenneth Bell - Bass

From the back cover: The Light Fantastic Players, formed by Daniel Shulman in 1971, is a chamber ensemble that focuses on 20th-century music while devoting special attention to unusual repertory from other eras. Shortly after its establishment, the group began to present concerts of orchestral as well as chamber works. They have commissioned and premiered new compositions and have been honored by grants and awards from the Alice M. Ditson Fund, the American Society of University Composers, the American Music Center, and the New York State Council on the Arts. The Light Fantastic Players have recorded for CRI and Nonesuch.

Arnold Schoenberg
(1874 - 1951)

Sonett Nr. 217
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