Thursday, July 1, 2021

Overheard In Cocktail Lounge - The Murray Arnold Quartet


Morning Dew

Overheard In A Cocktail Lounge
With The Murray Arnold Quartet
MGM E3457


Murray Arnold - Piano
Ramez Idriss - Guitar
Arthur Netzer - Bass
Barney Kessel - Guitar (Side 1 - #6 & Side 2 - #2, 4, 6)

From the back cover: Few artists would be equally well suited to that task, that of making one's self be "Overheard In A Cocktail Lounge" as is Murray Arnold for he's been doing just that for almost two years now as the star of the Hotel Ambassador's world-famous Casino Room in Hollywood.

Arnold gained fame as the brilliant young pianist and star of maestro Freddy Martin's band some years ago. It was Martin who suggested that Arnold set out on his own, and rightly so, since Arnold's amazing keyboard wizardry had already won him a sizable following. An accomplished arranger-conductor, Arnold's through music education has stood him in good stead, and earned him the applause and accolades of not only his fans, but that of other musicians as well.

One Morning In May
Star Dust
La Tempesta
The Table Hopper
Morning Dew
If I Forget
Hurray, Murray
The Candlelight Waltz
Overheard In A Cocktail Lounge

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