Friday, June 4, 2021

Don Gibson


That's What I'll Do

Touch The Morning
That's What I'll Do
Don Gibson
Produced  by Wesley Rose
Director Of Engineering: Ronnie Gant
Hickory Records HR-4501
MGM Records

From Billboard - September 15, 1973: The writers on this one, including the late Fred Rose, read like a Hall Of Fame list, and with that with which to work, Gibson can certainly do the rest. Naturally, he's among the writers. After all, everyone else records his songs; why shouldn't he? Probably no one in the business has more real feel for a song than Gibson, and he presses that right into the record. It's another of his classics. Best cuts: "Made For The Blues," "Blue Darlin'," "Just Another Reminder," "That's What I'll Do," Dealers: No frills, just simple Gibson, and that should do it.

Touch The Morning
If You're Goin' Girl
Made For The Blues
Country Sunshine
Sweet Dreams
Love Is A Lonesome Thing
Drinking Champagne
You've Still Got A Place In My Heart
Blue Darlin'
Just Another Reminder Of You
That's What I'll Do

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