Friday, May 21, 2021

Chapuseaux y Damiron - Con Su Conjunto


El Suetercito

Chapuseaux y Damiron
Con Su Conjunto
Ansonia STEREO SALP 1261

From the back cover: Chapuseauz and Damiron are known as the "Kings of the Merengue". They were star performers on various Dominican Radio programs. These Ambassadors of Latin American rhythms are fine musicians and have demonstrated their musical prowess for over 24 years. Their personal appearances have taken them to almost every important music center throughout the Americas.

Francisco Simo Damiron, genius of the keyboard, was born in San Francisco de Macoris, Dominican Republic. Damiron started his formal musical education as a youngster and was tutored by the famous professors Betances and Negrette. These were two of the most famous music teachers in Santo Domingo at that time. Damiron attested the Escuela Practica where he majored in engineering, but left school to devote all his energies to his true love, music. He now dedicated himself exclusively to his musical career.

Jose Ernesto Chapuseaux (Negrito), was born in the capital of Santo Domingo. Before embarking on his musical career, he was well known in sporting circles. He played with the famous "Licey Baseball Team", and also competed on the basketball courts. Negrito became engrossed with his music while attending the Colegio-Academia "Santa Ana". He left the Academy and formed a duet known as Chapuseaux - Fonseca.

Chapuseaux and Damiron became acquainted at "Santa Ana" in 1928. A close friendship developed and on Oct. 25, 1935 they formed their inimitable duet. The first selection they performed in front of a live audience was "Orguideas A La Luz La Luna" at the studio of Radio Station H14D in Ciudad Trujillo.

Their first engagement in a foreign country took them to Venezuela. It was there that they made their first records. They were accompanied by the famous "Billo's Happy Boys Orchestra". This took place in 1940 and since then they have made over 400 recordings. But Damiron and Chapuseaux have done much to spread the fame of some of the musical folklore of Santo Domingo. They are the popularizers of some of the most famous merengues ever written. These include: "La Maricutana", "La Empaliza", "El Farro Pichao", "La Battle", etc.

Darmiron and Chapuseaux have toured most of the countries of Central and South America, the Caribbean Islands, Mexico and Canada. They have resided in New York since 1949. They also appeared in various Motion Picture shorts, one made in Venezuela entitled "Taboga" and four in Mexico. The latter were sponsored by the famous Max Factor Hollywood, Enterprises.

Si Ella Se Deja (Guaracha)
Yo Se Que Un Poquito (Bolero Cha Cha)
Saca La Mano De Ahi (Merengue)
El Suetercito (Guaracha)
Bien Acotejao (Merengue)
Baila Tuntuneco (Son Montuna)
Tengo Una Esperancita (Bolero Mambo)
Ahora Tengo Dos (Guaracha)
El Grillito (Merengue)
Yo Vivo Padeciendo (Guaracha Son)
La Garrapata (Merengue)

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