Saturday, April 17, 2021

Like Tweet - Joe Puma


Shades Of Twilight (Baltimore Oriole)

Like Tweet
Jazz Versions Of Authentic Bird Calls
Joe Puma and The Audiobon All-Stars
Cover Art: Marilyn Bass
Columbia CL 1618

Like Tweet is a collection of authentic bird calls transcribed for a modern jazz orchestra. The tunes are based on the actual notes the birds sing.

"Thistle Serenade" "Noah's Ark," "Shades Of Twilight" were recorded October 13, 1960
"Like Tweet," "Melancholy Bird" and "Bird's Eye View" were recorded January 6, 1961
"Flight Patterns," "Cotton Candy Clouds," "Sturnelia" and "Panic In The Birdcage" were recorded in New York City, January 13, 1961

Joe Puma - Bass Guitar & Guitar
Dick Hyman - Organ
Jerome Richardson - Flute, Piccolo & Tenor Sax
Barry Galbraith - Guitar
George Duvivier - Bass
Osie Johnson - Drums
Don Elliott - Mellophone, Vibes
Line Up is the same on all tunes except that Jerome Richardson is not on "Noah's Ark," "Shades Of Twilight," "Thistle Serenade" or "Skippin' South."

"Flight Patterns" 
Joe Puma - Bass Guitar
Dick Hyman - Organ
Jerome Richardson - Tenor Sax
"Thistle Serenade" 
Joe Puma - Guitar
Dick Hyman - Piano
"Like Tweet" 
Don Elliott - Mellowphone
Joe Puma - Bass Guitar
Jerome Richardson - Piccolo
"Melancholy Bird"
Joe Puma - Bass Guitar
"Skippin' South"
Joe Puma - Guitar
Bobby Jasper - Flute
Don Elliot - Vibes
"Cotton Candy Clouds"
Dick Hyman - Organ
Barry Galbraith - Guitar
Joe Puma - Bass Guitar
Jerome Richardson - Piccolo
Bobby Jasper - Flute
Don Elliott - Mellophone
"Noah's Ark"
Joe Puma - Bass Guitar
Dick Hyman - Organ
"Shades Of Twilight"
Joe Puma - Guitar
Dick Hyman - Organ
Joe Puma - Bass Guitar
Bobby Jasper - Tenor Sax
Don Elliot - Mellophone
"Bird's Eye View"
Joe Puma - Guitar
George Duvivier - Bass
"Panic In The Birdcage"
Bobby Jasper - Flute
Dick Hyman - Organ
Jerome Richardson - Piccolo
Don Elliot - Vibes

Flight Pattern (Song Sparrow)
Thistle Serenade (American Goldfinch)
Like Tweet (White Crowned Sparrow)
Melancholy Bird (Purple Finch)
Skippin' South (Wood Pewee
Cotton Candy Clouds (Whip-Poor-Will)
Noah's Ark (Redwinged Blackbird)
Shades Of Twilight (Baltimore Oriole)
Sturnella (Meadowlark)
Bird's Eye View (Scarlet Tanager)
Panic In The Bird Cage

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