Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Electrified Favorites - Steve Allen


Even Steven

Electrified Favorites
Steve Allen At The Wurlitizer Electric Piano
Coral Records CRL 57195

From the back cover: Fans of Steve's old Tonight Show and his Sunday evening opus are familiar with the small Wurlitzer electronic piano he's been using the past year of so. When they hear this collection of swinging tracks they'll wonder why the bespectacled one didn't record the instrument a long time ago. Not only does it provide a new sound but that sound seems particularly suited to the jazz idiom. The electronic 88 is not going to make Carnegie Hall throw away its old concert grands but it does give an off-beat, fresh feeling to the piano voice. In the low registers it sounds slightly organist, in the middle area of the keyboard it has a chunky guitar-like sound, and in the upper octaves a celestial tinkle bites crisply through. Allen employs all three registers to catchy advantage in this listenable, danceable clutch of standards and (as always when Stevo records) originals.

Steverino Swings
Memories Of You
Give Me The Simple Life
Playing The Field 
Tea For Two
It Had To Be You
On The Alamo
Electronica Boogie
Careless Sweet Lorraine 
Even Steven
Rose Room

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