Thursday, March 25, 2021

Mimi Hines Is A Happening



Mimi Hines Is A Happening
Vocals with Orchestra Conducted by Phil Ford
Produced and Arranged by Don Costa
Cover Photo: Milton Greene
Decca Records DL 4834

I'm The Greatest Star (from the musical production "Funny Girl")
Some Summer Day (from the TV production "Alice Through The Looking Glass")
Double Doo Doo
September Song (from musical play "Knickerbocker Holiday")
Some People (from the musical production "Gypsy")
There Are Two Sides To Everything (from the TV production "Alice Through The Looking Glass")
Sunrise, Sunset (from the Broadway musical production "Fiddler On The Roof")
One More Time (vocal with chorus and orchestra)
Le Deluge
People (from the musical production "Funny Girl")

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