Wednesday, February 17, 2021

The Love Dance - Vince Sawma



Vince Sawma Presents
The Love Dance
Our Music for Belly Dancing
Director of Engineering: John L. Kinne
Front Cover Concept and Photo: Janis Irene Epton
Back Cover Photo: Dan Kinne
Queen City Album - Cincinnati, Ohio

Vince Sawma - Oud
George Jacobs - Tabla
Chirstina Cocoran - Finger Cymbals

From the back cover: Vince was born in Broumana, a town outside Beirut. Vince's father owned a night club call "Berg let Haman" which translates approximately to "Pigeon Roost". He spent his early years learning music from his father, who played not only the Oud, but the piano, violin and several other musical instruments Vince first began playing the Oud when he was eight years old. Vince was fifteen when his family came to the United States.

Vince served in the Army during World War II, he received numerous metals and awards; was wounded in France and Honorably discharged in 1945.

After returning to the United States, he briefly tried to make a living playing the Oud; however, since he was married, he had difficulty making ends meet. He began working as a hydraulic mechanic at Cincinnati Milacron. He continued to travel to different cities and play for the belly dancers on week ends. His first public appearances were at old-country weddings and picnics. He has also appeared on radio, television and in various night clubs with many famous belly dancers, such as Kala, and Zahmeena, whose real name is Christina Cocoran, played finger cumbals for this album She also appears on the front cover. Zahmeena teaches dancing in Milford, Ohio. Vince has also been a guest several times for the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra.

The Love Dance
Ah Ya Asmar'l Loun
Rakesett El Gamel
Hazi Ya Nawahen
El Haya Helda
The Wheat Song
Hazi, Hazi Medley

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Thanks for posting, do you know where I could download the full album?


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