Friday, February 26, 2021

Greatest Hits - The Impression


I'm The One Who Loves You

Greatest Hits
The Impressions
ABC-Paramount ABC 515

From the back cover: Have you noticed how many other groups imitate the sound of The Impressions? If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, as they say, The Impressions are constantly paid tribute as other recording artists go into the studio endeavoring to come up with a record that approaches the fantastically popular sound of The Impressions. This achievement, of course, is impossible, since the distinctive style of The Impressions has been carefully formed, improved upon, and perfected through the years since 1958, when they first began singing as a group.

Curtis Mayfield is leader of The Impressions and writes practically all of their songs. Not only does he also supervise the arrangements, but sings each part to the other two members of the group, Samuel Gooden (bass) and Fred Cash (tenor), until the world-famed sound of The Impressions goes into the recording mike and comes out of your phonograph or radio speaker.

Gypsy Woman
Talking About My Baby
I'm So Proud
Keep On Pushing
Never Let Me Go
It's All Right
You Must Believe Me
Sad, Sad Girl And Boy
I'm The One Who Loves You
Minstrel And Queen
Grow Closer Together

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