Thursday, December 17, 2020

I Can - Ben Sweetland


How To Master Habits

I Can
The Key To Life's Golden Secrets
From The Book by Ben Sweetland
Success Motivation Institute, Inc. SMI-1314

From the back cover: Dr. Ben Sweetland is widely known on the West Coast as a consulting psychologist. A wide and varied career, that has included advertising, radio and newspaper work, has brought him into contact with thousands of different individuals. His sincere love of people, his sympathetic attitude toward their problems, and his marvelous insight into their capabilities has uniquely fitted him for his career of helping others.

Dr. Sweetland could be classified as a more or less ordinary American citizen until he was well past middle age. He rocked along in a commonplace routine with not too much incentive, past the "golden days of youth", past "when life begins at forty". His late fifties found him in a modest apartment with no automobile, no savings, just enough money each pay day to meet his financial obligations.

In his early sixties, he and he beloved wife, Edel moved into an estate in Hillsborough, California, a unique community often referred to as "the millionaire's town". His palatial home was designed  by a famous architect and is elegantly furnished. He found himself a world traveler and lecturer, a syndicated columnist (his "The Marriage Clinic" runs in many papers), and a successful author. The secret of his success???... he took his own advice! He states that he has made greater progress in the past ten year of his life than he made in the first fifty! And this narration of I Can tells you how he did it and how You Can To!

Getting Acquainted With Yourself
Your Pledge To Yourself
Your Life's Pattern
The Art Of Relaxation
You Mental Powerhouse
Work Less-Accomplish More
How To Overcome Worry
The Value Of Self-Appreciation
How To Gain Self-Mastery
You Mental Yard-Stick
How To Build A Magnetic Personality
Your Normal Life Span
How To Develop A Powerful Memory
Conversation And Public Speaking
How To Make  Good In The Field Of Salemanship
How To Get A Better Job
How To Build A Business Of Your Own
How To Master Habits
Your Marriage Can Be Happy
Personal Remarks By The Author, Dr. Ben Sweetland

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