Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Arabian Delight - Adbu El Hanid



Arabian Delight
Music From Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco
With Abdu-El-Hanid and His Orchestra
Monitor MFS 434

From the back cover: Abdu-El-Hanid and his orchestra give you an exhilarating performance of 2 authentic native selections, some as old as the Islamic civilization and some of a more contemporary nature.

The ensemble in this recording is typical for Arabic music; Out (Arabic lute), Kanon (Oriental zither), Nay (flute), Violin, Derbeke (Arabic Drum), and Tambourine

Karyat Dance (Instrumental- Country Dance)
Aroos (Wedding Dance)
El Falah (Harvest Song)
Fil Sahra (Instrumental - In The Sahara)
Al Raeya (chant)
Al Sabri (Patience)
Rak El Seyoff (Sword Dance)
Asmar (Dark And Handsome)
Keyf Ansak (I Can't Forget You)
Fikry (My Conscience)
Raks El Banat (Beautiful Maiden)
Maak Maak (Always With You)


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