Friday, October 2, 2020

Countdown - Time In Outer Space - Dave Brubeck


Castilian Blues

Time In Outer Space
The Dave Brubeck Quartet
This Album is Dedicated to Lieut. Col. John H. Glenn, Jr.
Columbia Records CS 8575

From the back cover: Countdown - Time In Outer Space is the third in a series of recordings devoted to exploring rhythms unusual in jazz. The realization of (1) improvised cross-rhythms and (2) a broadened rhythmic-base for jazz was preceded by twenty years of planning, training and test runs through countless unrecorded choruses.

Dave Brubeck has exerted a great deal of influence on American jazz. I can remember when the early Dave Brubeck records on Fantasy were a great source of stimulation to me in breaking into new areas of "serious" jazz music.

Also from the back cover: The Dave Brubeck influence has reached the four corners of the earth, and now is finding new dimensions. Great musicians are following Dave Brubeck's experience in new time mediums, in different time signatures – 3/4, 5/4, 7/8, 11/4 – heretofore hidden dimensions in jazz. It seems that the next step in influence will be from polyrhythms (shifting of the accents on different tempos of the beat in any given bar), to polytempos (different tempos at the same time – here exemplified in the Brubeck Time In Outer Space). You can see and feel the new direction in the complicated but swinging rhythms of Dave Brubeck, Joe Morello and Gene Wright, beneath the florid style of Paul Desmond. – Teo Marcero

From Billboard - May 5, 1962: This new album by the Dave Brubeck Quartet should be another smash for the group both in jazz and pop fields. In the manner of "Time Out" and "Time Farther Out," this album shows off Brubeck's jazz experiment in polyrhythms and polytempos. And it is all done with persuasive and exciting performances by Brubeck, Paul Desmond, Joe Morello and Gene Wright. Most of the tunes are originals, mainly by Brubeck and Desmond with best tracks "Someday My Prince Will Come" and "Eleven Four."

Elven Four
Why Phillis
Someday My Prince Will Come
Castilian Blues
Castilian Drums
Fast Life
Waltz Limp
Three's A Crowd
Danse Duet
Back To Earth

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