Monday, September 21, 2020

Waikiki In A Symphony Of Strings - James Verity

Kilau Ea

Waikiki In A Symphony Of Strings
The Symphony Of Strings Orchestra
Conducted by James Verity
Arranged by Greig McRitchie
Production by Dave Pell
Living Color Stereo
Romantic Cities Series 10011
Inspired by Pan American Airways
Venise Records produced by Precision Radiation Instruments, Inc.

From the back cover: The maestro (James Verity) has established himself as a superb violist with the BBC Symphony Orchestra and the London Philharmonic under the great Sir Thomas Beecham. His musical virtuosity led him to the directorship of many television programs and an orchestra of his own. Mr. Vertiy's world travels supplement his unique musical training with a first-hand impression of the romantic cities of the world.

Drifting And Dreaming
Aloha Oe
Song Of The Islands
Paradise Isle
Bali Ha'i
Hawaiian Wedding Song
Kilau Ea
Now Is The Hour
Hawaiian Paradise

1 comment:

  1. I have been looking for this album for over 30 years. My father had it at one time. I cannot believe I even found this post.


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