Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Songs Of Our Mountains - Harold And Margaret Winter Of Wee Loch

Loving Henry
Songs Of Our Mountains
Harold and Margaret Winter of Wee Loch
Art Director: Ron Wilson
Queen City Album, Co, - Cincinnati, Ohio
QCA 70517
November 12, 1966

From the back cover: Harold and Margaret Winters were born in the remote mountainous area of Western North Carolina. Their forefathers were among the first settlers in the southern mountains. The Winters are both from singing families, their music is a part of their life that they have known and loved from earliest childhood. Most of the songs that they sing were learned orally from their families and friends. They make their home at Wee Loch, Elk Park, North Carolina.

Margaret, author of "How To Play The Dulcimer," published by Boston Music Company, plays a Wee Loch Dulcimer designed by her husband. She and Harold have been associated with Jean Thomas, "The Traipsin' Woman" Founder and Director of The American Folk Song Festival, for the past twelve years. They were featured in the film "Bascomb Lunsford and His Friends," shown throughout the country on Educational Television Network. They are truly Folk Singers, not singers who make folk songs their business. They sing what they really know and they sing it well.

The Winters dislike leaving Wee Loch, even for short periods of time, however, they stay very busy making appearances in North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana and Florida. This, in addition to operating Wee Loch Mountain Crafts. Visitors to Wee Loch find the atmosphere relaxed and comfortable, there is always time for a chat and a song.

Whistle Daugher
Willow Garden
Bird Song
Soldier, Soldier
Black Jack Davie
Loving Henry
Courtin' Song
Cockle Shells And Silver Bells Riddle Song
I Never Shall Marry
The Lonesome Dove
Young Man Who Wouldn't Hoe Corn, Raccoon, Derby Ram
Prodical Son, Bile Them Cabbage, If I Could Hear My Mother


  1. Any chance you could post the full album? This is impossible to find anywhere.

    1. I've been looking for recordings by these two for some time now. Would also love to be able to hear this to keep their voices alive.

  2. Likewise. Would love to hear more after seeing this doc

    1. Same here! Just watched the documentary and was really taken with their rendition of Loving Henry (Lee). Would love to be able to take a listen to the rest of the record!

  3. Many of us are interested in finding the full album. Has anyone found any sources yet? Thanks

  4. Dear Mark,

    I fell in love with the song "Blackjack Davey," sung so softly by Margaret and Harold Winter in David Hoffman's documentary "Bluegrass Roots" (1965). Unfortunately, only a fragment remains in the film. I'm sending you the link:

    And here is a larger excerpt from the film:

    I found your post, with the cover of their album "Songs Of Our Mountains - Harold And Margaret Winter Of Wee Loch". Would you please make the entire song available? There is no more beautiful rendition on the entire internet than the one of theirs that I know.

    I've never listened to that kind of music, I'm not even from the US - just Poland, that strange country in Europe. But this song has sunk into me so much that for the past 2 weeks I've been hearing Margaret and Harold's voices every time I wake up. I think they sing it in my dreams.

    I am aware that you don't publish recordings upon request, but I would be very grateful if you could fill in my dream with the missing stanzas.

    Best regards

    Iga Lapinska

    1. Black Jack Davy spoke to me the same way. I recorded the snippet from Hoffmans short film and listen to it all of the time. Their voices sound like how I would imagine the sound waves from a butterfly flapping its wings sounds like. I would love to be able to listen to more and i’m so glad there are other people who agree

  5. please post the full album. it would change my entire life. im 17

  6. Would love to hear the full album! Love Henry is stellar and want to hear Willow Garden. Thanks!


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