Tuesday, September 29, 2020

On The S. S. Catalina - The Shipmates & Ginger

Red Sails In The Sunset

On The S. S. Catalina
With The Shipmates & Ginger
Photographs: George Elton Watson
Venise 7015

From the back cover: Part of the fun of Catalina is in getting there. The ocean voyage aboard the Big White MGRS Steamship S. S. Catalina is an experience in itself, and one that's not likely to be forgotten. Entertaining passengers on each trip are The Shipmates and Ginger, who recreate their famous shipboard performance in this album. It is a versatile group that produces a happy sound. The Ginger of the group is Ginger Smock, violin, and the Shipmates are Leroy Morrison, bass; Al Mitchell, guitar and trumpet; Art Maryland, fender guitar, and Edward "Sharkey" Hall, drummer-vibraharpist. Lets take a musical cruise with them right now to the isle of Romance, Santa Catalina.

Twenty-Six Miles
Beyond The Reef
Song Of The Islands
Catalina, Lovely Isle Of The Sea
Red Sails In The Sunset
Santa Catalina
Chimes Of Avalon
Avalon Town


  1. It always bugs me when the number of people listed as being in the band is more than what is shown in the picture. Is it so hard to take another picture?

    1. Yes, it’s very hard to take a picture when you’re dead.

    2. It’s kind of hard to retake a picture when they’re all dead. Edward Hall is the person missing in the photo.

  2. I saw this group! When I was in 8th grade in soouthern California, our (private) junior high sent the eighth grade class on a trip to Catalina island. We went on the ship the S. S. Catalina and The Shipmates and Ginger were playing in the lounge at the rear of the ship. First time I had ever heard jazz, and I fell in love with the music. Ms. Smock was talented to an amazing degree and the other players were very good at supporting her. I'm a musician, and it's been a part of my life ever since!

    1. Thank you for remembering this group. Leroy Morrison is my dad, and the group stopped playing on S.S. Catalina before I was old enough to get to see them play there. I would love to have seen them perform there personally.


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