Monday, September 28, 2020

JFK A Profile Of Courage - Documentaries Unlimited Vol. 1


President Kennedy on Cuban Crisis

A Profile Of Courage
JKF May 29, 1917 - November 22, 1963
Narrated by Barry Gray
Editing by Richard Sloan
Recording Supervision by Daniel Sloan
Documentaries Unlimited Inc.

From the back cover: Paradoxes of John F. Kennedy

Although a Roman Catholic, he tenaciously clung to the unprecedented dream of presidency for a Catholic.

Despite bitter clerical criticism, his campaign pledge of no Federal aid to private or parochial schools was kept.

Although a Democrat, he supported a strong civil rights program, thereby incensing the Southern Democrats.

Although it militated against his sensibilities, he ultimately resorted to the use of Federal troops to implement the inherent right of negro students to enroll and receive education in southern colleges. 

Although a multi-millionaire, he dared to block the steel industry from courting inflation by raising its prices

Although a peaceful man, he courageously flirted with death – for principles he believed in.

Also from the back cover: Barry Gray, our narrator, is an eminent journalist and broadcaster who is known for his humanitarian and critical examination of mankind's present problems. His pen and voice are committed to the cause of freedom and liberty. Drawing upon a deep reservoir of knowledge, experience and courage, Mr. Gray has championed causes – popular and unpopular – that he believed should be brought into the bright light of open scrutiny. We believe that our narrator is eminently qualified to represent the highlights of John F. Kennedy, man and President, in vie of their common dedication.

Side One

News Coverage
Ambassador Adlai E. Stevenson
Senator Barry M. Goldwater
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
Sir Alec Home
His Holiness Pope Paul VI
President Lyndon B. Johnson
Eyewitness Account Of Assassination
Pre-Election Speech Of Kennedy
Election Speech Of Kennedy
Talking Of Oath Of Office For Presidency By Kennedy
Inaugural Address Of Kennedy

Side 2

Presidential Press Conference
Address To National Women's Press Club
President Kennedy on Peace Corps
President Kennedy on Space Flights
President Kennedy on Alliance for Progress
"Jackie" Kennedy Speaking in Spanish in South America
President Kennedy on Cuban Crisis
President Kennedy on Berlin
President Kennedy in Houston, Texas
President Kennedy in Dallas, Texas

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