Friday, August 14, 2020

Sing A Song Of Paris - The Ray Charles Singers

April In Paris
Sing A Song Of Paris
The Ray Charles Singers
With Instrumental Accompaniment
Engineer: Bob Doherty
MGM Records E3484

Singers: Lois Winter, Audrey Marsh, Lillian Clark, Bettye Mc Cormick, Peggy Powers, Trudy Packer, Rae Whitney, Imelda, Kathleen and Mary Margaret Mullen, Jerry Duane, Bob Bollinger, Gene Steck, Alan Sokoloff, Artie Malvin, Ed Lindstrom, Gene Lowell, Mike Stewart, Bob Miller, Jimmy Polack, Bob Spiro and Rudy Williams

Piano: Dick Hyman
Accordion: Nick Perito
Guitar: Tony Mottola
Harp: Janet Putnam
Bass: Frank Carroll
Drums: Bob Rosengarden

Sing A Song Of Paris
Under The Paris Skies
La Vie En Rose
Frere Jacques
April In Paris
Mademoiselle De Paris
Il Pleut Bergere
Where Are You?
Au Clair De Lune
La Seine
J'ai Du Bon Tabac
Speak To Me Of Love (Parlez-Moi D' Amour)
Rendezvous Time In Paris
Sur Le Pont D'Avignon
You Don't Know Paree
Pour Endormir

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