Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Johnny Desmond Sings

That Old Devil Moon (Desmond)
Johnny Desmond Sings
Coronet Records CX 193
A Division Of Premier Albums, Inc.

From the back cover: Johnny Desmond is one of the most versatile men in show business. Although known primarily as a singer, he is also a skilled composer, dancer, actor, and musician. These talents were developed through years of hard work and determination. Years not always filled with the success he now enjoys.

As a child, Johnny rarely had the opportunity to play with his friends, for he was busy delivering papers and working in his father's grocery store in order to earn money for voice and music lessons. He was starred in his own radio show by the time he was eleven, and his boy soprano voice inspired billing as "The Italian John McCormack". His acting career also blossomed with many appearances on the "Lone Ranger" network series. But alas, two years later, the inevitable happened. The changing of his voice relegated him to the category of a "has been".

The next few years were difficult and frightening ones, filled with the struggle of self development; learning how to handle his voice, and the basics of showmanship and dramatic acting. Finally in 1938 he got his first big adult job when Bob Crosby hired Desmond's vocal group, named them the Bobolinks, and featured them with his band. When he was still a $72 a month G.I., he received international acclaim when Glenn Miller chose him to sing with his Official Army Air Force Band. In 1949 Don McNeil made him a regular on the renewed "Breakfast Club", where he stayed for five years. Thereafter his career zoomed in all directions. Philco signed him as the dee-jay emcee of "Phonorama Time" on the Mutual network in 1955, and cast him in a straight dramatic role on the Philco Television Playhouse, for which he received critical acclaim. This ultimately led to one of his greatest achievements, a starring role in a Broadway show, where he was fortunate enough to work with Abe Burrows.

Perhaps the secret of Johnny Desmond's success is that he thoroughly enjoys his work. And when a performer really enjoys what he is doing, this feeling is rapidly transmitted to his audience. Listen, as Johnny Desmond and another of America's Top Singers Johnny Kay, bring your some pleasurable melodious moments.

Johnny Desmond Sings

This Can't Be Love
There's A Small Hotel
That Old Devil Moon
All Of You
The Last Time I Saw Paris

Johnny Kay Sings

When You Were Sweet Sixteen
Santa Lucia
O Sole Mio

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