Monday, August 31, 2020

Flamenco Fury - Jose Greco

Fiesta Jerezana (Bulerias)
Flamenco Fury
Jose Greco
Cover Photo: by Harold Corsini - Gamma
MGM Records E3741

Members of Jose Greco Dance Company who, in addition to Mr. Greco, are heard in this recording include Rosario Caro (Cupletera Flamenco), Manuel de Jerez (Flamenco Singer), Ramon Velez (Bailor), Paco Fernandez (Bailor), Curro Rodrguez (Bailor) and Richard Blasco, Miguel Garcia and Enrique Heredia (Guitarists).

From the back cover: Jose Greco was born of Spanish-Italian parents in Montorio Italy. He was seven years old when he first visited Spain. He lived there for the next three years and it was at that time that his interests in Spanish dance first found form. When he was ten, his parents migrated to the United States. Here, after completing his elementary schooling, he attended the Leonardo da Vinci Art School in New York City. Although he displayed great talent for painting, he was drawn more seriously toward dancing. After strenuous study of Spanish dancing, he made his professional debut in the opera "Carmen" at the New York Hippodrome. Still further years of intensive study and research of Spanish dance followed, interspersed by various public appearances. In 1941, the fabulous Argentinita, preparing to embark on an American tour, saw him dance and engaged him for her company. From 1941 to 1945, he danced as her partner and as the featured male dancer of her company. Upon Argentinita's death in 1945, Greco returned to Spain, soon resuming his career heading a company with Pilar Lopez, Argentinita's sister. In 1948, he formed his own company in Spain and toured England and Europe with great success. In 1951, while appearing at the world-famous Sadlers' Wells Theatre in London, he drew his first bid for his company to appear in the United States. His debut at the Schubert Theatre in New York City in October 1951 met with tremendous critical and public acclaim and his engagement was extended. Since that time, he has returned to the United States yearly for transcontinental concert tours, breaking attendance records for concert dance companies at a number of concert halls and legitimate theaters as well as outdoor summer concerts at places like the Hollywood Bowl and New York's Lewisohn Stadium.

Cabales del Tablado
Alegria en Cadiz (Alegrias)
Vente Pa la Nina, Vente
Cana de los Cabales
Sol Cubanito (Rhumba Flamenca)
Fiesta Jerezana (Bulerias)
Llama y Fuego (Bulerias)
Querente (Tientos Gitanos)
Los Trovadores (Farruca)
Recuerdos (Fandangos)
Filigranas (Zapateado)
Falito de Son (Rumba)
Encuentro (Soleares)

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