Thursday, June 25, 2020

Lover Man! - Art Van Damme

Hawaiian War Chant
Lover Man!
Art Van Damme
Pickwick /33 Records
PC 3009
A Product Of Pickwick International, Inc.

From the back cover: Art Van Damme is a wizard of the accordion. In his hands, the accordion seems to generate as much tonal color and dynamics as a full-sized pipe organ. But that's only an illusion created by his superlative technique and imaginative conceptions.

Born in Norway, Michigan, Van Damme has been entertaining audiences since the age of 10 when he made his first combination and since that time has been a top professional in his field. – Herman Schoenfeld, Music Editor or Variety

The Breeze & I
After You've Gone
Dark Eyes
Should I
Hawaiian War Chant

1 comment:

  1. Hello mark how are you? I'm looking for 2 recordings by Art Van Damme that are on your blog I also have several other recordings by Art Van Damme and also by other accordion players that maybe you don't have you're not interested in a trade?


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