Saturday, March 14, 2020

Luiz Bonfa's Brazilian Guitar

Luiz Bonfa's Brazilian Guitar
Front Cover Color Photo by Otto Stupakoff
Bonfa Photo by Indalecio Wanderley
Capitol Records T10134

From the back cover: Down in Brazil, Luiz Bonfa is regarded as a super-musician. Musicians who hear only his records, and haven't seen him perform, charge him with "overdubbing" in the Les Paul manner to achieve the remarkable sounds for which he is so renowned.

But Bonfa uses no mechanical tricks. His incredible technique is enough. Probably no guitarist in the world has Bonfa's skill – speed – with the fingers. Segovia himself cannot match the fabulous Luiz for sheer technical virtuosity.

He started at 11, in Rio de Janeiro, where he was born October 17, 1922. At first Bonfa's father taught Luiz. But the boy's progress was rapid. Soon he was studying with Uruguay's great classical master, Isaias Savio.

Even Savio could take the young Luiz Bonfa no father. And so Luiz, still in his teens, took to touring the various states of Brazil with his instrument. From each of the provinces he learned something of the people. and their cultures.

Back in Rio, Bonfa's first records made an impact (not only in Brazil, but throughout South America) much as Les Paul did in 1950. But few listeners accepted the truth. "No man has technique so remarkable," they argued. But Bonfa convinced all who came to see him perform, in a series of spectacular personal appearances in Rio, that his amazing dexterity and musicianship are legitimate.

Bonfa is aware of the great North American guitarists. Georg Van Eps, Barney Kessel, Hal Farlow and John Smith, he says, are his favorites, judged solely by their records. Luiz also is partial to the orchestra of Nelson Riddle, Les Baxter and George Shearing. He is a fishing enthusiast and, eventually wants to live in California and perhaps teach young guitarists and make records.

This album was recorded in Rio in superb high fidelity, and Capitol is privileged to present the genius of Bonfa for the first time on records in North America.

Cajita De Muscia
Over The Rainbow
Cancao De Outono
Calles De Espana

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