Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Wake Up America - Terry Nelson

Wake Up America
Wake Up America
The Battle Hymn Of Lt. Calley
"C" Company
Featuring Terry Nelson
Produced by Shelby S. Singleton, Clark Bentley and James M. Smith
Plantation Records PLP-15
A Division of Shelby Singleton Corp.

From Billboard - May 8, 1971: A bevy of patriotic tunes, well done. Best cuts: The nationwide hit of "The Battle Hymn of Lt. Calley" and "Buffalo Soldiers" which soul music stations might consider playing strictly for its ethnic uplifting quality. Dealers: The hit single is here swept the nation like wildfire. Capitalize on this and the publicity surrounding Calley for bonus sales.

The Battle Hymn Of Lt. Calley
When The Great Men Sign Their Names
Mr. Sherman's Army
Wars and Wars
Johnny Reb
The Star Spangled Ballad
Wake Up America
Buffalo Soldiers
War Baby
Til We Bring Our Johnnies Home Again
Yankee Doodle Dandy

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