Friday, February 14, 2020

HSPSCH / String Quartet No. 2 - Cage / Hiller & Johnston

HPSCHD (1967 - 1969)
John Cage & Lejaren Hiller
For Harpsichords & Computer Generated Sound Tapes
Including KNOBS computer printout for playback control
Antoniette Vischer, Neely Bruce & David Tudor - Harpsichords
Computer Printout: John Cage / Legaren Hiller

Anoinette Vischer: Neupert Bach-Model harpsichord (Solo II)
Neely Bruce: Hubbard double harpsichord with 17% Eltro time compression (Solo VI)
David Tudor: Baldwin solid-body electronic harpsichord (Solo I)

Messers. Cage and Hiller gratefully acknowledge the special assistance of Laetitia Snow, who wrote some of the original computer programming for HPSCHD; James Cuomo, who helped prepare the original sound tapes with ILLIAC II; Jaap Spek, who supervised the technical processing of the tape collage; and George Ritscher, who engineered the final recording.

The recording of HPSCHD was made possible through the use of facilities of the Experimental Music Studio and the Department of Computer Science of the University of Illinois, Urbana.

String Quartet No. 2 (1964)
Ben Johnson
The Composers Quartet: Matthew Raimondi, Violin; Anahid Ajemian, Violin; Bernard Zaslov, Viola; Seymour Barab, Cello
Engineering: Marc J. Abort

Coordinator: Teresa Sterne
Art Direction: William S. Harvey
Artwork: Isadore Seltzer
Cover Design: Hess and/ or Antupit
Jacket Notes: Peter Yates
Nonsuch Records H-71224

From the back cover: The computer-output sheet included in this album is one of 10,000 different numbered solutions of the program KNOBS. It enables the listener who follows its instructions to become a performer of this recording of HPSCHD. Preparation of this material was made possible through the Computing Center of the State University of New York at Buffalo.

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