Monday, January 27, 2020

Modern Mexican Canciones - Jose Luis Caballero

Prisionero Del Mar
Modern Mexican Canciones
Jose Luis Caballero
Jorge Ortega's Orchestra
Produced by Dave Dexter, Jr.
Capitol Records ST10241

From the back cover: Lean and handsome Jose Luis Caballero is a natural for these songs. After he had embarked on law studies at the University of San Luis Potosi, his smooth baritone voice was discovered; radio led to records, television, and personal appearances in several countries, including a sensational show at the Statler Hilton in Dallas in 1959. The future still lies ahead for this young star, but he's managed to complete his law studies "as security."

The messages of Arcaraz' songs require interpretive gifts of warmth, sincerity, and musical understanding. Jose has all of these qualities and more. And with the rich-sounding arrangements of Jorge Ortega made especially for this album, the result is pure Mexicano, which means exciting!

From Billboard - July 11, 1960: The key word in the title is "Modern," for these are sophisticated pop songs which could have originated in any Western nation. All were written by Mexico's Luis Arcaraz. The vocals by Jose Luis Caballero similarly are international in flavor and show a real flair. Some popularity already has been attained by one selection (known here as "Prisoner Of The Sea"). Several others have both the melodic content and feeling to attract favor with exposure. An attractive and tasteful collection.

Sortilegio (Witchcraft)
Besos (Kisses)
No Faltaba Mas (That's All I Needed)
Hamaca (Hammock)
Bonita (Lovely One)
Rimel (Mascara)
Prisionero Del Mar (Prisoner Of The Sea)
Despecho (Spite)
Ella Pudo Der (She Might Have Been)
Sombra Verde (Green Shadow)
Quinto Patio (The Slums)
Distancia (Distance)Viajera (Traveler)
As De Corazones (Ace Of Hearts)

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