Sunday, January 12, 2020

Mam'selle Gisele - Gisele MacKenzie

Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White
Mam'selle Gisele
Gisele MacKenzie
Conducted by George Siravo, Sid Bass and Neal Hefit
Produced and Directed by Herman Diaz, Jr.
Recorded at Webster Hall, New York City
December 10, 11 and 13, 1956
Vik LX-1075
A Product Of The Radio Corporation Of America

MacKenzie's Wolfie and Brunhilda, pet dachshunds are pictured with her on the cover. The pups go everywhere with their mistress, and when she played a Las

From the back cover: Finding an artist to realize the full potential of such material is difficult, for what is necessary here is a talent representing a fusion of cultures. Canadian-born Gisele MacKenzie, of course, is an ideal choice for this role. A native of Winnipeg, she speaks French fluently. (In fact, she corresponds in French with family and friends in Canada.) As for her musical training, at the age of three Gisele started to study the piano (her mother was a concert pianist and singer) and at seven she took up the violin. She gave her first public violin recital at twelve and at fourteen she enrolled at Toronto's Royal Conservatory of Music.

To the American public, however, Miss MacKenzie is widely known as a television and recording artist. Her warm contralto voice was long featured on such top radio and TV programs as Bob Cosby's "Club 15" and "Your Hit Parade," and she now has her own TV show on the NBC television network each week. In the singles record field, Miss MacKenzie has a string of notable waxing including the best-selling Hard to Get, originally presented on a TV show back in 1956.

Miss MacKenzie brings to these songs the fresh, warm vocal style that has made her one of the country's outstanding singers. It is a happy, youthful sound, and one of the technical excellence. The latter quality, one might say, differentiates her style from that of so many Gallic singers, whose essential equipment is made up of sobs and tears. – Paul Ackerman (As music editor of The Billboard, Paul Ackerman maintains an international view of the musical scene)

C'est si Bon
Autumn Leaves (Les Feuilles mortes)
La Vie en Rose
September In The Rain (En September sous)
The River Seine (La Seine)
Under The Paris Skies (Souls le ciel de Paris)
Passing By (Vous qui passez sans me voir)
Tell Me That You Love Me (Mon Chaland)
Dinner For One Please, James (Un seul)
Comme Ci, Comme Ca (Clopin-Clopant)
Hands Across The Table (Ta Main qui se plisse)
Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White (Cerisier roses et pmnniers blancs)

1 comment:

  1. May I help ?
    September In The Rain (En Septembre sous la pluie)
    Under The Paris Skies (Sous le ciel de Paris)
    Dinner For One Please, James (Un seul couvert, James)
    Hands Across The Table (Ta Main qui se glisse)
    Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White (Cerisier roses et pommiers blancs)

    Love MacKenzie ! Thanks for all you share !
    Ravel, Montreal, Quebec


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