Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Basin Street - Peggy Lee

Basin Street East
Proudly Presents Miss Peggy Lee
Recorded At The Fabulous New York Club
Produced by Dave Cavanaugh
Cover Photo by Lee Friedlander
Capitol Records T 1520

Pianist and Conductor: Joe Harnell
Trumpet: Danny Stiles, Phil Sunkel, Willie Thomas
Trombone: Micky Gravine and Ray DeSio
Flute: Bob Donovan
Harp: Abe Rosen
Bass: Max Bennett
Congos and Bongos: Chino Pozo
Guitar: Dennis Budimir
Drums" Stan Levey

From the back cover: For those have have never visited our establishment, I would like to tell you something about the place. It all started in September of 1959. Benny Goodman opened here a couple of months later, and from then on the club really swung. It was BG and Red Norvo who after throughly enjoying their engagement with us proceeded to persuade their friend "Pegalee" to appear here. That was back in March of 1960. She was a sensation.

Peggy returned January 12, 1961 for this engagment, the opening of which was the most exciting things to hit the town in years. New York welcomed her with open arms. Among those in attendance and applauding were many of the really great names in show business, all of whom seem to share the opinion that Miss Lee is something to hear as well as to see.

Despite three of the worst snow storms since 1947, each and every seat was occupied throughout the entire four-week engagement. Thanks to the fine engineers and to producer Dave Cavanaugh, who captured one of the most exciting performances we have ever heard, the thousands who thrilled to Miss Lee in person will treasure this album. For those who weren't fortunate enough to see her, here is the finest in entertainment on record.

Notes by Ralph Watkins (Ralph Watkins, proprietor of the famed Basin Street East, is a former musician, band leader and the creator of such jazz emporiums as Kelly's Stable, The Royal Roost, Bop City and The Embers.

From Billboard - May 8, 1963: This album recorded live at Peggy Lee's record-breaking appearance at New York's Basin Street East last winter, is a gas. The attractive looking and heavenly singing thrush turns in sock readings of some of her best tunes, from "Fever" to "Yes Indeed." It's a wonderfully balanced performance, showing Peggy of solidly on ballads, swingers and rhythm tunes, with fine backing by a group of top jazz musicians.

Day In – Day Out
Moments Like This
The Second Time Around
Medley: One Kiss, My Romance, The Vagabond King Waltz
I Got A Man
Peggy Lee Bow Music
I Love Being Here With You
But Beautiful
Them There Eyes
A Tribute by Ray Charles:
Just For A Thrill
Yes Indeed!
Peggy Lee Bow Music

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