Monday, October 28, 2019

The Aznavour Story

Je T'aimais Tant
The Aznavour Story
Frane's Greatest Singer - Composer
Charles Aznavour
Singes His Electrifying Songs In French
Accompanied by Paul Mauriat and His Orchestra
Art Direction: Ed Thrasher
Cover Photo: Sherman Weisburd
Reprise 6172
A Barclay Recording

From the back cover: When he gave his first concert at Carnegie Hall, 150 fans flew over from Paris to be on hand. Three thousand people applauded, before, during, and after almost every song. He sings in French. But even to the non-French-speaking listener, his charm comes through.

He's skinny as a microphone. Short as a barstool, mournful as Edith Piaf. He's forty years old, and he is also France's most popular singer.

From Billboard - September 4, 1965: Charles Aznavour has the same style Gallic "soul" that made Edith Piaf a legend in her lifetime. He sings the weepers and the up-tempo material with the same verve. Paul Mauriat and his orchestra do a fine job backing. English translations dealing with the theme of each selection are helpful.

Que C'est Triste Benise
Je T'aimais Tant
A Ma Fillle
Tu T'amuses
Le Jour Se Leve
Il Te Suffisait Que Je T'aime
Le Temps
Hier Encore
Chaque Fois Que J'aime
Toi Et Tes Yeux D'enfants
Quand J'en Aurai Assez

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