Sunday, September 22, 2019

Tremendo Cumban - Machito

Tremendo Cumban!!
Produced by Teddy Reig
Tico LP 1094

From the back cover: The long career of Machito in the field of Latin American music is an enviable one. Machito has seen fads and manias come and go. He has witnessed the popularity of the rhumba give way to the madness of the mambo and then the mambo bow to the craze for the cha-cha-cha.

Through all this Machito has continued to field a band that works all year long, year in and year out. From the crowed Palladium in New York, to the mobs at the Concord Hotel in the Catskills, Machito's band of Latin American music holds sway and always will no matter what new dance sensation has taken hold.

Machito's music is founded on the rock like strength of the band's arrangements and the musicians' ability to breathe pulsating life into these arrangements. The arrangements by Mario Bauza, have been the mainstay of Machito's orchestra ever since Mario and Machito met each other many years ago.

Tremendo Cumban
Mi Bandon
El Pairaguero
I Care
Ven Guajira
Latin Cornbread
Los Bailadores

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