Saturday, July 6, 2019

Song Favorites Of Georgia Gibbbs

Mambo Baby
Song Favorites Of Georgia Gibbs
(Ballin' The Jack on disc label)
Mercury Records MG20114

From the back cover: Not too many years ago Georgia was singing in public for the first time in a small Worcester, Mass., orphanage, when she was but thirteen, and from that moment on there was no question in her mind about the course of her future would take. She worked with local bands and started to build a reputation as a vocalist. Then came sundry engagements with orchestras, murderous one-nighter tours interspersed with radio broadcasts. These were strenuous years for Georgia, but she emerged from them as an accomplished performer, with all the ease and ardent desire to please. Her big break came when Jimmy Durante chose Georgia from among hundreds of applicants. Since then Georgia has played every major night club, theatre and television show, piling success on success with her tremendous drive and equally intense delivery.

From Billboard - September 1, 1956: A number of "Her Nibs'" biggest single hits have been grooved here. With the stopper color cover shot of the gal in red strapless gown, this adds up to a highly salable package. Here are, for example, "Dance With Me, Henry" with "Tweedle Dee." It's bound to have a healthy sale and dealers can put it on prominent display.

I Want You To Be My Baby
Sweet And Gentle
Dance With Me Henry
Mambo Baby
Tweedle Dee
Ballin' The Jack
Every Road Must Have A Turning
Melancholy Baby
Regret, If You Can
Seven Lonely Days
My Sin

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