Sunday, May 19, 2019

With Love - Bobbi Martin

Bridge Over Trouble Water
With Love
Bobbi Martin
Arranged by Don Tweedy and Henry Jerome
Produced by Henry Jerome
Cover and Liner Photos: Robert Krishna
Art Direction: Frank Gauna
Recording Engineer: Roy CiCala
United Artists Records UAS 6755

From the back cover: Dear Friends, One day I was looking through the record industry trade magazine and I noted (with considerable pleasure) that my single recording of "For The Love Of Him" was climbing to the top of the "Top 100" charts, I had attained a position all recording artists strive for – I had a HIT.

In the midst of congratulating myself on my "good fortune" I was struck with a question. What does it really take to make a hit? What factors are necessary or at least extremely important as to make a couple of hundred thousand people go out and buy a small black disc with my name on it? The first thing that occurred to me was that an artist must have some amount of exposure. No problem there. I had been on numerous nationally televised shows (including "The Dean Martin Show" on which the single had first been introduced) and had sung in clubs and in concerts all around the country. The next possibility was the quality of material selection and care with which a song is actually recorded. Again I found myself on the credit side of the ledger. My producer and friend Henry Jerome had put so much effort into my recording sessions you would have thought he was devising a master plan for national defense. Even so, it still didn't answer the question to my satisfaction.

The more I thought it over, the farther I drifted from the climbing element that divides success from failure. Then, all at once, it was there! There is no answer. There is no answer because although an artist, a producer and the record company they represent can try to set all the conceivable odds in their favor – the final judge and jury is still the millions of people who buy records. And if they don't feel that what you have to offer is acceptable, nothing on this green earth is going to save you.

So, although I'm grateful to all the people who have had enough faith in me to try and further my career, I'm most grateful to you, the audience, the market, the public who have found what I have to offer acceptable and pleasurable. And I hope you'll continue to do so. – With Love, Bobbi

For The Love Of Him
Happy Heart
Yesterday Is Crowding My World
Come Saturday Morning
Goin' South
Give A Woman Love
Help Yourself
Easy Come, Easy Go
Bridge Over Trouble Water
Comes The Sun
Tell Him I Love Hime

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