Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Seven Lonely Days - Jean Shepard

Someone's Heartache
Jean Shepard
Seven Lonely Days
Produced in Nashville by Larry Butler
Capitol Records ST 8-0321

From the back cover: "Seven lonely days one lonely week. Seven lonely nights make one lonely me." As Jean Shepard sings these lyrics, you get the feeling that she's a lady who's been through love more than once. You get the feeling that the song really means something to her – the catch in her voice and the honesty of her phrasing tell it all the way every woman wishes she could.

Oklahoma-born Jean began working on her unbeatable singing style with Noble's Melody Ranch Girls when she was just sixteen. Then, Kay Starr and Hank Thompson were the performers she tried to model herself after as she worked at becoming America's greatest girl entertainer.

A lot of people would say Jean's fulfilled her ambition and got her wish – today she is America's greatest girl entertainer and this album is crammed full of Jean, her great style, and ten chart topping tunes. Nobody can sing the familiar Seven Lonely Days quite the way Jean can, and Sonny Jame's unforgettable hit, Invisible Tears may very well become a hit all over again with the touch of her soft womanly voice.

Charlie Louvin's song, Someone's Heartache and Merle Haggart's Today I Started Loving You Again are both here, performed by Jean as songs she likes to sing because they're meaningful. You could say the same thing for D-I-V-O-R-C-E too. It's a song about what can happen to a real woman interpreted through a real woman's mind – Jean Shepard's of course. And that's why she's the greatest – when artists, whether painters or singers can make their art seem real through the feelings put into it, they're great artists and you can be sure that Jean Shepard's going to be in their company for a long time!

Seven Lonely Days
Today I Started Loving You Again
Only Mama That'll Walk The Line
Invisible Tears
I'm Tied Around Your Finger
Second Place
You're Telling Me Sweet Lies Again
You Know Where You Can Go
Someone's Heartache

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