Thursday, May 23, 2019

¡Que Buena Esta... Elena!! - Elena Madera

Canto Karabali
¡Que Buena Esta... Elena!!
The Torrid Voice Of Elena Madera
With Lou Perez and His Orchestra
Produced by Pedro J. Rosaly, Jr.
Cover Photo: Columbia Photo Studio - Henry Parker
Columbia Special Products
Special Archives Series
EXRP 1760

From the back cover: Elena Madera is famous throughout Latin America for her brilliant performance of "Pepito," her own composition. Elena's father was West Indian and her mother Cuban; she herself grew up in New York City. She first achieved success as a dancer at New York's Palladium. Later she appeared in Mexico City as a nightclub entertainer.

In her first Columbia collection, Elena is heard with her popular Cuban composer and arranger Lou Perez in twelve songs that demonstrate the many facets of her intriguing personality. Both as a singer and composer, Elena creates great excitement.

El Pollo Se Me Escapo
Sonando Contigo
La Botella
Tu Eres Todo
Hermosa Tierra
Que Buena Esta Elena
Tu Seras
La Golondrina
Canto Karabali
La Comparsa

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this! For a time, Elena Madera - then Carmen Taylor - was married to my uncle Art Truscott - her co-writer on Pepito. It is so, so hard to find info on her - her parents' names, images, etc. If you have any thoughts or any other info, I'd be so grateful if you shared it. If not, I'm so happy for this! Cheers, Adrienne Truscott


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