Tuesday, April 23, 2019

A Rock Blast - Frank Garlock

Side 1 & 2
Sides 3 & 4
The Big Beat
A Rock Blast
By Frank Garlock
Double Record Set
Musical Ministries - Greenville, S.C.
Artists' Records 710526

From the back cover: Frank Garlock, one of America' best-known authorities on the dangers of rock music, has been heard by thousands of young people as well as adults throughout the nation as he has emphatically stated, "Chirst is the Answer." His popular message has been given as often as six times a week to high school assemblies, youth rallies, summer camps, colleges, music clubs, civic clubs, and other groups.

Mr. Garlock is a favorite of young people because he is in tune with young people and their needs. He is the father of two teenagers; a faculty member at Bob Jones University, America's largest fundamental Christian school; a regular speaker at The Wilds, a Christian youth camp; and the teacher of a young adult Sunday school class at Southside Baptist Church in Greenville, S.C., where he is minister of music.

His lecture has produced lasting results, with as many as 100 decisions for Christ being made in single services. After hearing him speak, young people have broken their records of rock music and youth groups have been transformed.

Mr. Garlock is a man of varied talents – an educator, conductor, composer and arranger, tenor soloist, trombone artist, guest lecturer at music conventions, and preacher of the Gospel.

He was born into a musical family of nine children and began playing the trombone at the age of five. By the time he was graduated from high school, he had already played in several symphony orchestras and had been solo trombonist with the New Jersey All-State High School Orchestra and Band.

After receiving his bachelor's degree from Bob Jones University, he earned the master's degree from the Eastman School of Music and has done further postgraduate work, including study with the famed Robert Shaw.

Mr. Garlock is chairman of the music theory department and director of brass ensembles at Bob Jone University. In 1967 he was selected to appear in the publication, "Outstanding personalities in the South." His brass ensembles have received national recognition in recent months. They received a standing ovation at the Southeastern Regional Convention of the Music Educators' National Conference at Daytona Beach, Florida, in May of 1971. His trombone choir was also invited to perform at the first National Trombone Workshop in June of the same year.

Recorded live at the Wick Road Baptist Church in Taylor Michigan. Groups came from as far away as 100 miles to this rally in the Detroit area where 1200 people, mostly teenagers, were crowded into a church which usually seats 800. Because of the overwhelming response to the invitations at the close of the rally, it was impossible to get an accurate count of the decisions made. However, at least 60 teenagers came forward, either to trust Christ as their personal Savior, or to make Him the Lord of their lives. We are praying that many others will make similar decisions as a result of this recording.

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