Saturday, January 19, 2019

Jazz Of The Connecticut Traditional Jazz Club 8

Do What Ory Say
Jazz Of The Connecticut Traditional Jazz Club 8
Recording Engineer: Glenn Allen
Album Design: Andrew Heminway
Mastering & Editing: Glenn Allen, Pete Campbell, Bill Sinclair
Album Notes: Pete Campbell
CTJC - SLP - 8 Stereo

From the back cover: The Connecticut Traditional Jazz Club, Inc., that durable organization devoted to the preservation, documentation and presentation of the Traditional Jazz art, delights in offering this eighth album featuring selections from the 1972 archives.

We have noted before that jazz is an international language and that language has been spoken between our album covers of the past. But 1972 was an even more international year, for no less than three bands from across seas graced our concerts. Two of them, the famous "Papa But" Viking Jazzband from Denmark and the French High Society Jazz Band are contained herein, the latter in a combination jam session with the New Orleans Funeral and Ragtime Orchestra led by Dick Miller and Woody Allen. Barry Martyn's Ragtime Band made its fourth annual trek from England and can be heard on ConnTrad SLP 4.

The Popular Red Onion Jazz Band inaugurated what was to be a year notable in ConnTrad history. In addition to the variety and international flavor to the music, the club sponsored its first riverboat jazz cruise featuring the New Black Eagle Jazz Band led by transplanted British cornetist Tony Pringle. And a smashing success it was. The momentum was maintained by the most ambitious of the annual picnics. Over 250 members, guests and offspring heard a New Orleans band led by Percy Humphrey, and including Louis Nelson, Chester Zardis, Alfred Lewis and Louis Barbarin, blast the leaves from the trees under a warm September sun.

St. Louis Blues / Old Fashion Love / Royal Garden Blues
Hayes Alvis' Pioneer Of Jazz
Hayes Alvis - Bass / Leader, Doc Cheatham - Trumpet, Herb Hall - Clarinet, Clyde Bernhardt - Trombone & Vocal, Jimmy Evans - Piano, Wilbert Kirk - Drums
Meriden, Conn. 3/18/72

When Erastus Plays His Old Kazoo / 1919 March
Southhampton Dixie, Racing & Clambake Society Jazz Band
Bill Barnes - Cornet / Leader, Joe Ashworth - Clarinet, Roy Rubinstein - Trombone, Ted Prochazka - Piano, Connie Worder - Banjo, Barry Bockuss - Bass, Richard Barron - Drums
Bridgeport, Conn. 1/29/72

Do What Ory Say / The Chrysanthemum Rag
"Papa Bue's" Viking Jazzband
Arne "Papa Bue" Jensen - Trombone / Leader, Keith Smith - Trumpet / Vocal, Jorgen Svare - Clarinet. Jens Solund - Bass, Jorn Jensen - Piano, Knud Ryskov Madsen - Drums
Meriden, Conn. 7/7/72

Bugle Boy March
New Orleans High Society Funeral And Marching Band
John Bucher & Pierre Merlin - Cornets, Pierre Atlas & Woody Allen - Clarinets, Daniel Barda & Dick Dreiwitz - Trombones, Martine Morel & Dick Miller - Piano, Marshall Brickman - Banjo, Fredy Yzerman - Tuba, Teddy Hocquemiller - Drums
Wallingford, Conn. 4/21/72

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