Friday, December 28, 2018

Twangy Guitar - Billy Boyd

Diggin' The Blues
Twangy Guitars
Billy Boyd
Photography: Joseph Tauber
Cover Design: Habco Arts
Recorded" Hollywood, Calif.
Crown Records
Stereodics CST 196

From the back cover: As a tad, he used to sit and stare, fascinated at the Mississippi.

The mighty silver-grey ribbon that slashes through thousands of American Miles whispered then spoke, finally shouted... "Get on your walkin' shoes boy... the world's awaiting.

Billy Boyd got the message.

Took to the road.

Went places. Did things.

Saw the parched, dry loveliness in the South-western states.

Lingered by the cool, blue-green lakes of Wisconsin.

New York City's noise and confusion scared him. But he struck it out for awhile.

Something inside compelled him to see everything there was to see; do everything there was to do.

Along the way he picked up a guitar. Didn't study. Just took it up in his big hands and played it.

And all his knocks and good-times... all his misunderstanding of what make a man tick, from then on, came out of the gut-strings of that guitar.

Billy Boyd managed to make music pay. Became an entertainer, and he started writing songs.

Some people call the kind of stuff Billy plays hillbilly. Some – rock & roll. To others, it's rockabilly.

We call it "soul" or "this is what it means to me" music.

Because it's sincere.

And because the lusty, rollicking rhythms mirror, without distortion, the many faces of our great nations.

It's time.

Time to listen to a young and virile giant. A hardy man who loves his work.

Billy Boyd and TWANGY GUITARS. – John Marlo

Shuffle Boogie
Night Rock
When The Lights Are Low
Jivin' At The Savoy
Stompin At The Crossroads
Diggin' The Blues
Mambo Boogie
South Hampton
Bolero Boogie
Duck Walk
Oop Shank

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