Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Teen Beat '65 - Sandy Nelson

Beat From Another World
Teen Beat '65
Sandy Nelson
Producer: Nick De Caro
Arrangers: Rene Hall, Sandy Nelson and Nick De Caro
Cover Design and Photography: Studio Five
Imperial LP-9278

From the back cover: High spot of the album is Sandy's production number called "Beat From Another World." Sandy spent over three weeks recording this original composition, and the results are wild, weird – and fun.

Sandy works out most of his ideas and arrangements in his own sound laboratory, located in his garage, a place which looks absolutely nothing like a garage, because it's stocked to the rafters with the finest recording equipment available.

He also does a nightly FM disc jockey show (for KYYM in Los Angeles) right from home. His show is called "Oldies But Goodies By Remote Control From Magic Mountain Laboratory" and is otherwise known as music with the monster touch.

This album takes its title from a special new version of Sandy's giant hit of 1959. And, inside you'll find a wide variety of songs. Songs just right for dancing all the latest dances. Songs just right for listening. Something for everyone. – Shelly Heilman, Editor & Publisher Teen Scene Magazine

From Billboard - February 13, 1965: Unbeatable beat grooved strictly for the young dance set. The Nelson drums whip up a frenzy with aid of guitar, sax, brass and chorus. Good successor to current hefty selling LP. Sets including "The Jerk," "Raunchy '65," "Bongo Rock."

Teen Beat '65
Raunchy '65
Come On, Do The Jerk
Bongo Rock
Honk Tonk '65
The Jerk
Beat From Another World

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