Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The Latin Set - Bill Knaus

The Latin Set
Bill Knaus - Pipe Organ
Replica Records - 500

From the back cover: Mr. Knaus has a way with the organ that captivates and holds the attention. His unpretentious style has universal appeal. How he easily masters 13 sets of pipes, 21 percussions, 3 keyboards plus all the foot pedals wouldn't be hard to understand if he had more that two hands and feet. His musical background is prodigious. He received his M.A. from the American Conservatory of Music, is an Associate of the American Guild of Organists and was recently appointed a Fellow of Trinity College, London. And his large following has been building up ever since he began playing professionally at 15 years. This record is his debut in hi-fi, where he undoubtably will take his proper place among the greats of the popular organists. – Robert Lucius

From Billboard - September 27, 1954: Here's an interesting set by the new label that may intrigue pop hi-fi fans. It features organist Bill Knaus, a good musician, playing a collection of Latin tunes on a theater pipe organ. The selections include "Siboney," "El Chocio," "Brazil," "Orchids in the Moonlight" and "Tico Zico." Organist Knaus has a lot of opportunity to show off the many different tonal combinations and percussion sounds available on the theater organ and he makes the most of it. The recording is excellent and the record has a true organ sound. If exposed, this set could interest many hi-fi fans as well as organ collectors.

Lady Of Madrid
Orchids In The Moonlight
El Choclo

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