Friday, June 8, 2018

The Huckle-Buck and Robbin's Nest - Buck Clayton

The Huckle-Buck and Robbin's Nest
A Buck Clayton Jam Session
Produced by George Avakian with the assistance of John Hammond
Recorded December 16, 1953, at Columbia Studios, 205 East 30th Street, New York City
Columbia CL 548

Trumpets: Buck Clayton, Joe Newman; Trombones: Urbie Green, Henderson Chamgers; Alto Sax: Lem Davis; Tenor Sax: Julian Dash; Bariton Sax: Charlie Fowlkes; Piano: Sir Charles Thompson; Guitar: Freddie Green; Bass: Walther Page; Drums: Jo Jones

Available from online vendors so I will not be posting a sample. Presented here to share the cover and jacket note excerpts.

From the back cover: Buck Clayton, trumpet and leader. Born in Parsons, Kansas, about forty years ago, Buck became known internationally when he was featured soloist with Count Basie's band from the years 1936-1943. He is also on many of the best Teddy Wilson-Billie Holiday records and was a great artist at the Benny Goodman Carnegie Hall Jazz Concert, Volume 1. He has led bands in New York, Shanghai, and Paris.

Joe Newman, trumpet. Joe is now filling Clayton's chair with Count Basie's band, which he joined two years ago. Before that he was with the 'Bama State Collegians, Lionel Hampton, and Illinois Jacquet.

Henderson Chambers, trombone. A veteran of the Edmond Hall band at Cafe Society, Chambers has played with Louis Armstrong, Al Sears, and Lucky Millinder, to name a few.

Urbie Green, trombone. Urbie (for Urban) played with Woody Herman's band for several years before settling down in New York, where he is currently sweating out both a card and steady work with Lester Lanin's Society Orchestra

Lem Davis, alto sax. In the days of swing Lem played with Eddie Heywood's great little band. Along came bop; Len heard Charlie Parker, and changed his style. Swinging more than ever, he can now be heard with Teacho WIlshire's combo at the Midway Lounge in Brooklyn, N.Y.

Julian Dash, tenor sax. A loyal alumnus of Alabama State College, Julian made the trek to New York some years back with Erskine Hawkins, whom he has never left.

Charlie Fowlkes, bariton sax. After many years with Lionel Hampton, Charlie now provides the foundation for Count Basie's reed section.

Sir Charles Thompson, piano. Sir Charles is from Independence, Kansas, the son of a Methodist minister. He has played with the groups of Lionel Hampton, Lester Young, Charlie Barnet, and Illinois Jacquet, among others. He is also an arranger, composer and organist.

Freddie Green, guitar. For seventeen years Freddie has been the mainstay of Count Basie's rhythm section. (I cannot think of a greater compliment for this great musician. G. A.)

Walter Page, bass. Back in the late twenties, Bill Basie was playing piano with Page's Blue Devils, the southwest's most exciting band. After a long association as a sideman in the Basie Band, Walter is now a permanent fixture at Eddie Condon's, in New York.

Jo Jones, drums. Another Basie veteran, Jo (for Jonathan) recently had the distinction of becoming a father and grandfather within the same week. He has his own combo, which can usually be heard at the Embers, in New York.

– John Hammond

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