Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Melodies That Linger On - Carl Weston

The Song Is Ended
Melodies That Linger On
Carl Weston
Saxophone Solos with Organ Accompaniment
Decca Records DL 8891

From the back cover: Philadelphia-born Carl Weston began his professional career as a jazz musician with the Joe Venuti group in Atlantic City. After several years in burlesque, he worked with the then-famous Jan Savitt orchestra in radio. A veteran of several years of "society music" in the famous Lester Latin tradition, Mr. Weston has also been associated with great orchestras such as Jimmy Dorsey's. A saxophonist soloist with the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra for over ten years, he has been acclaimed for outstanding solos in the orchestra's performances of several important works – among them Mussorgsky's "Pictures At An Exhibition."

From Billboard - June 22, 1959: Sax star Weston wraps up a group of dream standards in wistful, leisurely paced solo sets, with organ backing. Nice sentimental jockey package. Selections include "I Wonder What's Become Of Sally?" "Wonderful One" and "A Perfect Day."

I Wonder What's Become Of Sally?
Till We Meet Again
Might Lak' A Rose
Ich Liebe Dich
Dreamy Melody
Let The Best Of The World Go By
Wonderful One
Love's Old Sweet Song (Just A Song At Twilight)
A Perfect Day
Beautiful Dreamer
Thine Alone
The Song Is Ended (But The Melody Lingers On)

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