Thursday, March 29, 2018

Plug Me In - Eddie Harris

Lovely Is Today
Plug Me In
Eddie Harris & His Electric Saxophone
Arranged and Conducted by Charles Stepney
Produced by Joel Dorn
Recording Engineer: Bruce Tergesen
Cover Photo: Lee Friedlander
Cover Design: Marvin Israel
Atlantic SD 1606

On Live Right Now, It's Crazy & Theme In Search Of A T.V. Commercial, the personnel is: Eddie Harris, electronically amplified tenor sax; Haywood Henry, baritone sax; Jimmy Owens, Melvin Last & Joe Newman, trumpets; Tom McIntosh, trombone; Jodie Christian, piano; Melvin Jackson, bass or Charles Rainey, fender bass & Richard Smith or Grady Tate, drums.

On Ballad (For My Love), Lovely Is Today & Winter Meeting, the personnel is: Eddie Harris, electronically amplified tenor sax; Haywood Henry, baritone sax; Jimmy Owens, Melvin Last & James Bossy, trumpets; Garnet Brown, trombone; Jodie Christian, piano; Melvin Jackson or Ronald Carter, bass & Richard Smith or Grade Tate, drums.

Eddie Harris plays tenor sax with a Maestro amplifier made by CMI (Chicago Musical Instrument Company), Chicago, Ill.

Live Right Now
It's Crazy
Ballad (For My Love)
Lovely Is Today
Theme In Search Of A T.V. Commercial
Winter Meeting

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