Sunday, March 25, 2018

A Man Could Get Killed - Bert Kaempfert

Beddoes Shadows
Music By Bert Kaempfert
From The Universal Picture
A Man Could Get Killed
Music Composed and Conducted by Bert Kaempfert
Cover Photo: Decca Photo Studio - Hal Buksbaum
Decca Records DL74750

From Billboard - December 4, 1965: Decca Records international star Burt Kaempfert has been singed by producer Robert Arthur to score "A Man Could Get Killed" for Universal Pictures. Assigment marks the German orchestra leader's first American film scoring. Decca will release the soundtrack LP.

Main Title
Explosive Welcome, Bi-Naveled, Key Note
Beddy Bye
Beddoes Shadows
Clues Dropper, A Tape Sandwich, Rude Awakening
Noted Arrival
Talking De-Tour
Sale Fish
Down To The Docks, A Deadly Game
Foiled In Oil
Handy Brandy, Hail The Azalea
No A Go Go (End Title)

1 comment:

  1. Very cool album. Beddoes Shadows was a good groovy pick.
    Who knew Bert had it in him.


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