Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Mirrors - Dick Hyman

Reflections Of Today
Dick Hyman And "The Group"
Originated and Produced by Loren Becker and Robert Byrne
Cover and Linear Photos By Norman Trigg
Art Director: Daniel Pezza
Recording Engineer, Stereo and Monaural Mastering: George Piros
Command ABC Records
RS 924 SD

"The Group"
Dick Hyman - Piano and Organ
Bob Rosengarden - Drums
Bob Harrart - Bass

From the inside cover: Under the surface lies an extraordinary technical and musical accomplishment – quartet performances in which Hyman plays both piano and organ, dubbing one on top of the other to create incredibly complex improvisation duets that are made possible only because the same brilliant mind is at work on each keyboard.

"Actually this goes back to the first professional job I had," Hyman recalled. "It was at Wells' Bar in Harlem. I played piano and Charlie Stewart was the organist. He was the first person I heard who played a modern kind of Hammond organ. This piano-organ thing is an old idea, especially in Harlem, but not many people have recorded it."

From Billboard - February 3, 1968: This should have board appeal across the board. Hyman, on piano and organ, with considerable hemp form Bob Rosengarden on drums and Bob Haggart on bass, plays pop tunes with enough soul to satisfy an r&b buff, enough inventiveness for the jazz fan and enough of a melody line for the easy listening buyer.

House Of Mirrors
In The Heat Of The Night
Mercy, Mercy, Mercy
The Flower Road
Ode To Billy Joe
Up, Up And Away
Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me
Hit The Road Jack
Week End Blues

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