Monday, October 23, 2017

Music To Read The Pretenders By - Joe Rene

Harry's Funeral
Variation On A Menage A Trois
Music To Read The Pretenders By
The Pretenders A Novel By Gwen Davis
Music by The Joe Rene Complex
Created and Written by Joe Rene and Jackie Reinach
Engineer: Neal Ceppos
Recorded at Mercury Sound Studios, New York
Produced by Discobook, Inc. an affiliate of Rene Enterprises
Phillips PHS 600-327
1969 (book copyright)

From the back cover: Joseph Rene Born September 4, 1934, Amsterdam, Holland. Father, radio-violinist. Mother, concert pianist. Studied violin, harmony and orchestration with the famous Professor W. Buecher, Trumpet player and arranger with big bands. Career was interrupted by Mr. A. Hitler. Went into hiding and remained 3 1/2 years in an attic (three doors down from Anne Frank). Resumed career after liberation in 1945 and became musical director for United States First Army. Special Services during the remainder of the war.

In 1946 went to Rio de Janeiro to be radio conductor and arranger. Came to the United States in 1949. Big Bands, radio, TV, etc.; arranging and conducting recording dates, and went into producing.

Also from the back cover: Discobook has come up with a first in the history of the recording industry. The music in this album was inspired by and specifically written for most of the provocative scenes depicted in the best-selling novel, The Pretenders by Gwen Davis.

You don't have to read the book to enjoy the music. Or visa-versa. Although it is a more than satisfying experience if you do.

If You Pretend (Music To Read The Pretenders By)
Double Bubble Bath (Music To Read Page 331 By)
Menage A Trois (Music To Read Pages 54-55 By)
Mirror On A Mexican Ceiling (Music To Read Page 107 By)
Weekend For Lulu (Music To Read Page 140 By)
Anti-Social Register (Music To Read Page 207 By)
Pictures At An Exhibition (Music To Read Page 476 By)
Harry's Funeral (Music To Read Pages 1-512 By)
Speciality Of The House (Music To Read Pages 348-350 By)
Rank-Out (Music To Go To The Party Starting On Page 124)
Variation On A Menage A Trois (Music To Read Page 344 By)

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