Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Organ-ized - Walter Wanderley

Batucada Surgiu
Walter Wanderley
Brazil's Number 1 Organist
Philips PHS 600-233
A Division of Mercury Records Productions, Inc.
Mercury Records Corporation
(All selections electronically reprocessed for stereo)

From Billboard - June 10, 1967: The Wanderley organ gives something fresh to this album of bossa nova numbers and, at the same time, establishes him in the ranks of Jobim and Getz. This LP should make it big in both the pop and jazz areas. The Brazilian organist does a remarkable job on "Summer Samba," and all the other songs.

Samba De Verao (Summer Samba)
Batucada Surgiu (Chant Of The Baroque)
Vivo Sonhando (I Live Dreaming)
Mar, Amar (Sea... To Love)
Voce (You)
Reza (Lai Ladaia) (Prayer)
Garota Moderna (Modern Miss)
Menina Flor (Beauteous Lass)
OpiniĆ£o (Opinion)
Deus Brasileiro (God Of Brazil)

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