Monday, May 22, 2017

Sweet And Lovely - Buddy Cole

Lullaby In Rhythm
Sweet And Lovely
Buddy Cole And The Mellowaires
Tops Records

A set that seems to mix Cole's funky small combo lounge tunes and separately recorded swinging harmonies of The Mellowaires.

From the back cover: Certainly the vocal stylings of The Mellowaires are bound to delight. For 15 years they have been titillating the musical palates of America's radio and television audiences. This popular group has appeared in front rank theaters and night clubs the country over; their affiliations with the nation's top name bands have kept this tight, harmonies singing team on a lofty perch in the esteem of America's record buyers.

Helmsman Buddy Cole has long been familiar to fans of Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney. The identification with Der Bingle has been over a much longer period, of course, as Buddy served as the crooner's accompanist for many years on network radio.

Fall of 1957 welcome back to CBS Radio a world-beating trio sometimes dubbed "The Three C's" – Crosby, Clooney and Cole. Lord Crosby, and Lady Clooney perform alternately on these daily "Ford Road Shows," and always at the tiller for Bing and Rosemary during the solid soirees is every-popular Buddy Cole and his group. Augmenting Buddy's sharp accompaniment on piano, organ or celeste are ace Hollywood sidemen Don Whittaker, bass; Vince Terry, guitar; and the celebrated Nick Fatool, drums.

Not only is Cole a longtime personal friend of Crosby, but he perennially arranged and directed the music for Rosie and Bing when they sang on their own CBS radio program, before the Ford Show ever hit the ground

Starting in show business as a teenager, Buddy toured as traveling pianist with the Gumm Sisters in the waning era of vaudeville. Most vocal and vivacious of the sisters was a child who in later years was to captivate the nation with her performance as Dorothy in The Wizard Of Oz. Her name? Judy Garland, of course.

Like most of today's skilled studio musicians, Buddy Cole really got his "beat" wet in the band business in Mr. Cole's case, his first break with a band came when Alvino Rey hired him for the ivory chores. When the Rey band broke up, most of the sidemen headed back to New York, home base for touring name bands. Buddy, however, having had a taste of sun-spattered Hollywood, elected to return to that glamor land. This was one decision that worked out well for everyone.

Today Buddy Cole may be seen in Movietown's recording studios, working with such bright lights as Doris Day and Frankie Laine. Or you may chance to meet him in any of the lavish Las Vegas resort hotels. No, you won't find Buddy at the gambling tables; most likely you'll catch him rehearsing backstage with some top liner heading the bill at one of Vegas' glittering supper clubs.

Lullaby In Rhythm
Saturday Night Is The Loneliest Night In The Week
La Cinquantine
I'm Beginning To See The Light
Yes, We Have No Bananas
Bicycle Built For Two
Tabby The Cat
Sweet And Lovely
Mémoires Of You
Rocking The Blues

1 comment:

  1. I can tell your turntable and cartridge are WAY better than mine! :o


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