Friday, April 28, 2017

Music For Clarinet And Tape - Phillip Rehfeldt

Renascence For Clarinet, Tape Delay System And Pre-Recorded Tape
New Music For Clarinet & Tape
Phillip Rehfeldt, Clarinet
Jonathan Kramer, Mixer
Gene Kimball, Electronics
Album Concept: Abramson Studio
Album Design: Frederick Myers
Grenadilla Records GS-1017

Saucedo: Ran I.X. for Solo Clarinet and Tape (1976)
Horvit: Antiphon II for Solo Clarinet and Tape
Kramer: Renascence fo Clarinet, Tape Delay System and Pre-recorded Tap (1974)

1 comment:

  1. My first foray into electronic music, as I am a clarinetist, I bought a copy of this when it was released, and really enjoyed it. Wish I knew where my copy got to over the years.


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